Tuesday, October 30, 2012

im feeling little better today.school was hell today but whatever.my dad took the fact that im bad in school pretty well.i was so suprised! but i had to study again lol.i guess watching totoro again got my mod up.i love totoro.
finished 'the book thief' last night.god,it's so perfect! i even cried.you can actually feel all the sadness and pain of Lizels' life in Germany 1939.ahhh,i want to spoil everything but i can't cause you gotta it read for yourself.what hitler did to those jews was horrible.i seriously don't know how could anyone follow him.
i even knew one girl that admire hitler and what he was doing just so she can  have different opinion than other.man,come on.i know he thought he's doing right thing for his country but where are the jews in that whole thing? they never did a frickin' thing!
i know it's kind of stupid to talk about things in past but i really thought a lot about it.
no offense to anyone who has the same opinion like that girl!

Monday, October 29, 2012

wow im answering to some questions on formspring that really got me thinking about life and myself.

i was bullied again today.but im patient.hell patient.but i had my moments where i couldn't be 'cool'. i just broke down and i wanted to crush everything i see.i don't care who or what it'll be.
i really don't get them.whenever im being normal and myself they are like 'omg,that a loser;she's so whiny how can she even walk?' (beacuse im not good at sports and other) and when i 'live up' and punch someone when im mad or when i do anything it's like 'wow what a bitch,so hysterical,maniac.' what the fuck do they want from me? every other girl in my class is like that but they can't say anything to them cause they're 'popular' and that shit.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

gosh im so tired.school tomorrow again.noo.i feel kind of sad and nostalgic right now and it's so annoying.i miss the summer so much.and him.
today i ate an orange and cried because it's sour.it reminded of me so i couldn't throw away the rest.
 that describes me so much.and that whole song.


okay now i doubt anyone will see this but hi!
here i'll write about my teenage life,boring but yeah i'll do it.
my name is Heidi,im 14 years old.
i loove anime so don't mind if you see me typing japanese words or uploading pictures.
i also love Lana Del Rey.
for the start my life is nothing special and i have problems like every other teenagers do.